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Detailed introduction of the flotation process

The flotation machine process is a process of separating mineral particles by using the difference in physical and chemical properties of the mineral surface and is the most widely used method of beneficiation. Today, I will give you a detailed introduction to the flotation process and the equipment and reagents required for flotation.

flotation machine process

1. Introduction to Flotation:

Flotation is based on the different physical and chemical properties of the surface of the mineral particles, according to the difference in the floatability of the mineral, from the ore pulp with the help of the buoyancy of the bubbles, the minerals are sorted and the useless minerals (gangue minerals) are left in the ore pulp as tailings. The method is called positive flotation; the opposite is called reverse flotation.

flotation machine process

2. Flotation process

1. Preparation for homework

First of all, we mainly obtain minerals with appropriate particle sizes through grinding and classification. The particle size of the individual ore particles must be less than the upper limit of the mineral flotation particle size (sulfide minerals 0.075~0.3mm, coal 1~2mm, to avoid siltification. The particle size of the mineral particles is less than 0.01mm. When the flotation index is significantly worsened); secondly, useful minerals and gangue can be separated; the slurry concentration is controlled at 25%-35%.

2. Adjustment work

During the flotation process, attention should be paid to adjusting the pH of the slurry. Most sulfide ores are floated in alkaline slurry; secondly, attention should be paid to whether the type, quantity, and method of dosing are appropriate.

3. Inflation operation

The operator introduces the developed slurry into the flotation machine for flotation. Pay attention to the flotation time in flotation, too short or too long time will affect the quality of the concentrate, so the most suitable flotation time for various minerals is determined by experiment.

flotation machine

3. Flotation equipment

The flotation of iron ore is mainly based on the different physical and chemical properties of the mineral surface, using agents to select useful minerals (iron ore). The main equipment used for the flotation of iron ore is a flotation machine. Flotation machines are mainly divided into mechanical stirring flotation machines and aerated stirring flotation machines.

1. Mechanical agitating flotation machine

The mechanical agitation flotation machine is an air self-suction flotation machine, which mainly relies on mechanical agitators (rotating and stator) to realize the aeration and stirring of the slurry. It can self-suction air and self-suction slurry without an external aeration device. No pump delivery is required for a return. Commonly used equipment in iron ore beneficiation includes SF mechanical agitating flotation machine, JJF mechanical agitating flotation machine, and BF mechanical agitating flotation machine.

2. Inflatable stirring flotation machine

The aerated stirred flotation machine is an external air-supplied flotation machine, which mainly relies on a mechanical agitator to agitate the slurry and blower to inflate. This type of flotation machine cannot self-aspirate. When the medium ore returns, a lift pump is required to transport the slurry. In addition, special air supply equipment is also required. Commonly used equipment in iron ore beneficiation includes XCF type aerated agitated flotation machine, KYF type aerated agitated flotation machine, XCF-KYF flotation unit, and CLF type coarse particle flotation machine.

flotation machine

4. Flotation reagent

Among natural minerals, except for individual minerals (graphite, natural sulfur, molybdenite) and coal, most natural minerals have poor floatability, and the wetting properties of the mineral surface must be controlled artificially.

1. Collector: A chemical agent that selectively acts on the surface of a mineral to make the surface of the mineral hydrophobic.

2. Activator: used to improve the floating activity of inhibited minerals.

3. Foaming agent: produces a large number of stable bubbles required for flotation.

4. Inhibitor: weaken the effect of the collector and the surface of the mineral, thereby reducing the floatability of the mineral.

flotation machine

Different ore properties are different, and the selected flotation process is also different, so the configured flotation equipment and flotation reagents are also different. In the actual beneficiation plant, if your iron ore plant can obtain the ideal index, you should try to do the beneficiation. Test, through the test results, scientifically and rationally design the beneficiation process, beneficiation equipment, and reagents, in order to obtain the ideal rate of return on investment.

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