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What are the effects of high temperature environment on the crusher?

With the arrival of summer, temperatures in many parts of the world have reached more than 30°C. The continuous high-temperature environment not only brings difficulties for people to travel but also brings many difficulties for the use of crushers and other mining equipment. And some places are rainy and humid in summer, which will also affect the service life of mining equipment. So, in the face of the hot summer, what measures should we take to reduce the impact of high temperature on the equipment?

jaw crusher

The impact of high-temperature environment on mining equipment

1. In a high-temperature environment, the crushing opportunity will increase with the increase of temperature, and it is easy to produce unpredictable abnormal conditions, such as sudden shutdown, sudden breakage of the spindle, and other faults.

2. Because of the principle of thermal expansion and contraction, high temperature will cause the parts of the crusher to expand, resulting in friction and deviation at the occlusion of each component, which will not only affect the production schedule but also will further increase the temperature, which will eventually lead to the machine The parts are damaged.

3. The high-temperature environment will increase the temperature of the lubricating oil of the crusher, and the decrease of oiliness and viscosity will cause the damage of the local oil film, the lubrication effect between the parts and the bearing capacity will decrease, and more seriously, the lubricating oil will be carbonized, Aggravate the wear and tear of the machine.

Hammer crusher

4. High temperature has certain harm to the engine, hydraulic system, and circuit of crushing machinery in mining equipment. In the high-temperature environment, the hydraulic system will often experience failures such as pipe bursts, joint oil leakage, solenoid valve coil burnout, hydraulic valve jamming, and loud noise. For systems using accumulators, the high temperature of the hydraulic oil may cause damage to the accumulator. Circuits that are aging in the summer will be more likely to cause cracking of the outer skin due to thermal expansion and contraction of the metal, resulting in short-circuit failure. The electrical components in the control cabinet are also prone to failures in high-temperature seasons, and key control components such as industrial computers and PLCs may also experience crashes, slow operation speeds, and control failures.

5. The crushing machine works for a long time under high temperatures, which will cause the performance of the equipment lubrication system to deteriorate, the oil is easy to deteriorate, and the chassis and other transmission systems are easy to wear. At the same time, the paint layer, brake system, clutch, throttle control system, and metal Structure have an impact. Also manifested in: easy to produce air resistance, resulting in unable to supply oil. The high temperature will reduce the performance of the engine's air intake system, reduce the sealing performance, and increase fuel consumption due to engine oil leakage.

impact crusher

Under high temperatures, the crusher is more prone to failure during use, so we should pay more attention to the maintenance and repair of the crusher to improve the quality and work efficiency of the equipment. The crushing equipment of The Nile River Company introduces advanced foreign technology, and the machine parts are hard-covered in many ways, and the parts are not easy to be damaged. If you have any problems with your machine, you can consult us for free.

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